9 more treatments to go! WHOO HOOO!! As I said in the last post, I can tell a big difference in my leg! The pain is almost gone. It's so weird to not have that pain. It's been with me for 4 months and I guess I thought I would always have it.
Gus, Caleb, Glenda and Amy did some serious work on my house this weekend. I suffer from hoarder disorder and Gus is great at purging! They all went through stuff, cleaned and separated trash from things for the big yard sale I am going to have when I feel up to it.
In related news, Amy moved in and that has been nice, as well. I think it's going to be a perfect fit.
OK...now for news about treatment. I spoke with Dr. Steffens' nurse today. I was trying to get a handle on what is going to happen after radiation. She said that the research team was looking, but having a little trouble finding a clinical trial for me. Once I finish radiation there will be no "measurable" disease. This doesn't mean it will be gone, it means it will be invisible to scans. So, without "measurable" disease, I don't qualify for most clinical trials. That was a real bummer for me. I am not going on to do chemo. He is going to put me on a drug called Faslodex. It is a hormone treatment. It will be a once a month shot. If I'm honest, this doesn't feel like enough. One of the things the nurse said on the phone was, "you know you're in good hands?." I do. I trust Dr. Steffens. I don't think he's not doing all that can be done, I think the situation just sucks all the way around. That first meeting with him last month, he did say that it would be a case of trying to "control" because there wasn't much that could be done. So, let's all just keep hoping for that miracle. I am not going to give up!
One thing I'm doing is folding 1,000 origami cranes. Japanese legend has it that if you fold 1000 origami cranes, you get a wish from the crane. Long life, cure for illness, etc. I'm going to cover all my bases and do just that. I am folding 10 cranes per day. I have completed 60 and I will finish June 14. Wish me luck. And I have started a facebook group for my uncle Doug. I know he's not going to fold 1000 cranes, but I think if everyone pitches in, we can do it together and get him that wish from the crane. If anyone not on facebook would like to pledge a few cranes for Doug, let me know.
Well, until next time!!!
Love and gratitude!