Well, I have started radiation. I went to see the radiation oncologist on Wednesday of last week. Mom and dad and I talked with Stacey, the nurse for quite a while and then we met with Dr. Lankford. He had already come up with a basic plan for my femur. As far as the rib, he still just wasn't sure. I had spoken with Dr. Steffens and he felt sure that they would radiate the rib. So, I put the pressure on Dr. Lankford, as much as I could. It was a great meeting and I really like the staff at the radiation oncology office. I was told that because I am experiencing a great amount of pain in my hip, I would probably get started with radiation quickly. Radiation should help to ease that pain. So, on Thursday, I was back at radiation oncology and they did their scans and mapped out my treatment for the femur. While we were doing that, Dr. Lankford had me point to the pain in my ribs, he marked it, scanned and it matched up with the part that is lighting up on some scans. So, I will also be getting radiation on my rib. I felt very relieved with that news. I left to get some lunch and came back in the afternoon and we got started with radiation on that femur. Dr. Lankford said that I will get 25 treatments on the femur and 16 on the rib. I don't start with the rib until Monday, the 23, because it will not require as many sessions. I will actually finish with the rib before I get finished with the femur.
So, 2 down, 23 to go!!!!
My weekend was AWESOME! My brother is a pretty good guy. Friday night, he threw me a pep-rally!!! I loved it. There were so many of my friends in one place and we ate and drank and talked and enjoyed the musical stylings of The Avett Brothers. It was a very emotional night for me. I was on a high for the entire evening! It's funny how you can feel all emotions more acutely when you are very happy or very sad. I felt very lucky. I always feel like I don't deserve all the love that is shown me on such a regular basis, so I cried all night when I got home. I cried because I felt happy and lucky. I cried because I don't deserve the love and I cried because I was just TIRED! (and maybe a little drunk.) It was a beautiful, special night and I will never forget what I remember... :) I took NO photos, but there were many taken and as soon as I can, I will post them or direct you to sites where they are posted.
One of the special things that Gus is doing for me, in collaboration with our great friend, Steve Munsel is t-shirts!!! The Engstroms love a t-shirt. These shirts are really special and if you are interested, you can email Gus @ eengstrom@carolina.rr.com. The shirts are $20, with proceeds going toward the clinical trial that looks to be doing the most to help my particular situation. We thought about Komen, and it is still a possibility, but maybe we can get in and do our little part with something a little more specific. The design for the t-shirt is based on an early propaganda campaign that Shepherd Fairey did while in design school. You can read about it and see the sticker at:
It's pretty interesting and Gus and I both became interested in Shepherd Fairey's work in the Obama campaign, so it seems like a fun and appropriate thing to do. The design for my shirt is at the top of the page. Just let Gus know if you want one.
Well, thanks again for all of the support and love. I feel it and it makes me stronger!!
1 comment:
I had a great time at the party. It was a great show of strength by everyone involved. Gus really did a great job. It was refreshing to see the Brothers in that setting. One of the highlights was when Seth was finally able after so many years to sing the line...."see you in Concord tonight!."
Keep diggin' down deep!
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