9 more treatments to go! WHOO HOOO!! As I said in the last post, I can tell a big difference in my leg! The pain is almost gone. It's so weird to not have that pain. It's been with me for 4 months and I guess I thought I would always have it.
Gus, Caleb, Glenda and Amy did some serious work on my house this weekend. I suffer from hoarder disorder and Gus is great at purging! They all went through stuff, cleaned and separated trash from things for the big yard sale I am going to have when I feel up to it.
In related news, Amy moved in and that has been nice, as well. I think it's going to be a perfect fit.
OK...now for news about treatment. I spoke with Dr. Steffens' nurse today. I was trying to get a handle on what is going to happen after radiation. She said that the research team was looking, but having a little trouble finding a clinical trial for me. Once I finish radiation there will be no "measurable" disease. This doesn't mean it will be gone, it means it will be invisible to scans. So, without "measurable" disease, I don't qualify for most clinical trials. That was a real bummer for me. I am not going on to do chemo. He is going to put me on a drug called Faslodex. It is a hormone treatment. It will be a once a month shot. If I'm honest, this doesn't feel like enough. One of the things the nurse said on the phone was, "you know you're in good hands?." I do. I trust Dr. Steffens. I don't think he's not doing all that can be done, I think the situation just sucks all the way around. That first meeting with him last month, he did say that it would be a case of trying to "control" because there wasn't much that could be done. So, let's all just keep hoping for that miracle. I am not going to give up!
One thing I'm doing is folding 1,000 origami cranes. Japanese legend has it that if you fold 1000 origami cranes, you get a wish from the crane. Long life, cure for illness, etc. I'm going to cover all my bases and do just that. I am folding 10 cranes per day. I have completed 60 and I will finish June 14. Wish me luck. And I have started a facebook group for my uncle Doug. I know he's not going to fold 1000 cranes, but I think if everyone pitches in, we can do it together and get him that wish from the crane. If anyone not on facebook would like to pledge a few cranes for Doug, let me know.
Well, until next time!!!
Love and gratitude!
I'm really glad to hear you're not in so much pain! :-)
Hi Tara!
You don't know me, but I am also a HUGE BNL fan, and when I signed up for the The Steven Pages today your icon caught my eye. When I started reading your blog, I had to become a fan! I hope that is ok! I loved the idea of your pep rally! Do you think I might be able to steal your Tara-tini recipe? We are having a Pink Party May 9th (raising money for the Breast Cancer 3 day-benefiting Susan G Komen). We are doing EVERYTHING up in pink, and wanted some cool pink drinks. I was thinking Pink Panty Droppers, but we can't agree on a good recipe! If you find a link to how to make a crane, could you post that? I would love to help out, but I have no idea even how to start! Best wishes to you!
Dear Tara,
I am so empathetic about the lack of clinical trials you qualify for. How well I remember that feeling. I wanted in the worst way to make it into a trial in conjunction with my transplant because I somehow had it in my head that it was my only hope for beating my cancer. Well, I didn't get into the trial and it happened anyway. I am living proof that miracles do happen, even to people like you and me. So, dear one, keep your chin up and your foot firmly planted in cancer's ass, remembering all the while that there are lots of us out here rooting for you and cheering you on. I also wanted to let you know that I am attending a Relay for Life at the Creighton campus on Friday night and I will light a luminary in your honor. So if you get a warm glowing feeling on Friday night you will know where it came from.
Blessings, Martha Nielsen
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